Privacy Policy
Effective 2023-11-07
This Privacy Policy only applies to WiFiKit or relevant services offered
by Shenzhen Jimi IoT Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as "we" or "us").
You are welcome to use the location services provided by this
application. We work hard to protect your privacy and personal
information. This Privacy Policy applies to all scenarios where you use
the services provided by this application.
This application mainly provides location services, voice services, video
services, and picture services. If you do not agree to or do not
understand any part of this Privacy Policy, you must not proceed to use
this application. By continuing to use this application, you have fully
understood and agreed to all of this Privacy Policy.
This Privacy Policy will help you understand the following content:
1. What information we collect
2. How we use cookies and other technologies
3. Storage of information
4. Information security
5. How we use your information
6. Sharing your information
7. Protection of minors
8. Changes to this policy
9. Contact information
The details of this Privacy Policy are as follows:
1. What information we collect
To provide better services to you, we may collect information provided
by you or generated during your use of our services in the following
1.1 When you create an account with your email address, you provide
us with your email address mobile number. We are fully aware that
email addresses and mobile numbers are sensitive information; we
collect such information to comply with the internet real-name system
stipulated in relevant laws and regulations. If you decline to provide
such information, you may be denied access to the application and its
relevant functions.
1.2 When you use this application, to ensure the normal use of all our
services, in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, and to better
our services and secure your account, we may collect the following
data: device model, operating system, browser name and version,
unique device identifier, login IP address, application version
number, network access mode, type, and status, and crash log
information of the application . Such information is essential for
providing services.
1.3 Requesting for network data and remote version update is the basic
function of this application. To this end, we may need permissions
to access your device status and external storage . We will apply for
these two permissions for the first time you use our services. If you
decline to grant such permissions, the application cannot provide
services. If you wish to continue to use these services after the decline,
you can go to the system permissions management module and
re-grant the read and write permissions on the mobile status and
external storage.
1.4 When we have your consent, we may acquire your precise location
information (GPS information) to offer you location services. Such
information belongs to sensitive information; by declining to provide
such information, you will be unable to view your current location, but
you can still use other functions.
1.5 When you use picture, recording, or video services, we may collect
these picture, recording, and video content , as collecting such
information is essential for the basic services of the device. This
information is stored on a cloud server; you are entitled to request to
delete it.
1.6 When you use the location services, we may use the location
function of Baidu, OpenStreetMap, Here, Google, Mapbox, or ArcGIS
maps, as the location services is an essential function of this application.
The location information returned by these maps and collected by us
will be timely displayed on the application; we shall not use it for any
other purpose.
1.7 To help us better understand the operation status of our application,
we may call up the third-party service Google Analysis to record
relevant information. We shall not combine the information in the
analysis software with any personal information provided by you in our
1.8 When you use the push function of the platform, we may use
third-party push services (such as JPush and Amazon) to provide you
such push services, so you can receive device alarm notifications
1.9 When you use the share function, the system may complete the
sharing via the third-party sharing tool you selected, which makes
sharing trips to your friends more convenient.
You understand that the functions and services we offered are always
updating and evolving. If a function or service that is not specified in
the description above collects your personal information, we will use
webpage tips, interactive procedures, website bulletins, or other
methods to notify you of the information, scope, and purpose of such a
2. How we use cookie and other technologies
Cookie is a mechanism that supports a server (or script) to store
information to and retrieve information on a client. When you use some
functions, we may send one or multiple cookies or anonymous
identifiers to your device. When you interact with these functions, we
allow the sending of cookies or anonymous identifiers to the server. A
cookie normally contains some randomly-generated characters. By
using cookie technology, this application can understand your behavior
of use or help you know the security status of your account. Cookies
can also help us to do statistics about traffic and analyze the
effectiveness of the page design.
We will not use cookies for any purposes other than these stated in this
Privacy Policy. You can manage or delete cookies according to your
3. Storage of information
We strictly abide by laws and regulations and the agreement with users
and use the information we collect for the following purposes. If we use
your personal information for purposes other than these stated below,
we will explain to you again and ask for your consent.
The personal information this application collects is transmitted over
the internet to and stored on our system server in an encrypted manner.
The security level of our equipment room management, server
management, network management, and this application is relatively
high. We retain your information only for the period necessary for the
purposes stated in this Privacy Policy and for the period stipulated by
laws, regulations, and supervision. We will not share the above
information with any third party or use them for any purposes other
than stated unless you choose to or under the requirements of relevant
laws and regulations.
3.1 Information storage location
We may, in accordance with laws and regulations and based on actual
requirements, store your personal information we collect on our cloud
3.2 Information retention period
Generally, we may retain your personal information only for the period
necessary for the purposes stated.
When our product or services stops operating, we shall notify you via a
push notification or bulletin or in any other way, delete or anonymize
your personal information within a reasonable period, and stops
collecting your personal information immediately.
4. Information security
We strive to guarantee the security of our users' personal information
to prevent the information from being lost, used illegally, or accessed or
disclosed without authorization.
We will use all types of security precautions at a reasonable security
level to protect your personal information. For example, we may use
encryption technologies (such as SSL) to protect your personal
We will enhance the security capability of our software installed on your
device by constantly improving the technologies to prevent the
disclosure of your personal information. For example, we may encrypt
part of the information locally for secure transmission.
We have established a dedicated management system, procedure, and
organization to guarantee the security of information. For example, we
strictly control the persons that are allowed to access the information
and these persons are required to observe confidentiality obligations.
If any security incident such as personal information disclosure occurs,
we will take the contingency plan to stop the incident from expanding
and notify you via a push notification, bulletin, or in any other way.
5. How we use your personal information
To ensure the security of the services and help us to better understand
the operation status of our application, we may record relevant
information such as the frequency you use an application, crash data,
overall use statistics, performance data, and the source of the
application. We will not combine the information in the analysis
software with any personal information provided by you in our
If we use your personal information for purposes other than stated or
outside the direct or reasonable associated scope, we will ask for your
explicit consent prior to use.
6. Sharing your information
We will not disclose any personal information we collect. If under
any circumstance we have to disclose such information , we will notify
you of the purpose of this disclosure, the type of information to be
disclosed, and the sensitive information that may involve, and ask for
your explicit consent.
In addition, in accordance with relevant laws, regulations, and national
standards, we may disclose your information without your prior
consent in the following circumstances:
1) Relate directly to national security or national defense;
2) Relate directly to public safety, public health, or major public interest;
3) Relate directly to crime investigation, lawsuits, judgment, etc.
4) For the purpose of safeguarding major legitimate rights and interests
such as the life or property of the subject of the personal information or
another person while it is hard to have the consent of the person
5) Personal information that the subject of the personal information
voluntarily shares to the public;
6) Personal information collected from information disclosed legally,
such as from news reports or information published by the government;
7) Other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations.
7. Protection of minors
The protection of the personal information of minors is important to us.
In accordance with relevant laws and regulations, if you are under age
14, you must have the written consent of your parent or legal guardian
before using this application. If you are the legal guardian of a minor,
when you have any questions about the personal information of the
minor you are guarding, you can contact us via the contact information
in section 10.
8. Changes to this policy
We change this Privacy Policy from time to time. When terms in this
Privacy Policy change, we will present to you the instructions after
change with pop-ups when you log in or update your version. Please be
noted that we will collect, use, and store your personal information in
accordance with the new Privacy Policy only when you click on the I
Agree button in the pop-up. You can view the Privacy Policy in Settings.
9. Contact Information
If you have any suggestions on this application, please contact us via
the E-mail. We will review the feedback as soon as possible and reply to
the feedback in fifteen (15) days after we have verified your identity.
We have established a dedicated personal data protection department
(or a personal data protection specialist), you can contact the
department (specialist) via.
tel: +86-755-29121290
Contact address: 3-4/F, Block A, Building #7, Shenzhen International
Innovation Valley, Dashi 1st Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen,
Guangdong, China
Shenzhen Jimi IoT Co., Ltd